Hello and welcome to

I have created this blog to share my opinions on all things tea related. I will delve deep into the world of tea uncovering its treasures and share my experiences with you. Alongside tea reviews and putting ‘teaware’ through its paces, I will be doing all I can to help make your tea drinking experiences more enjoyable. In addition to my posts I also hope to engage you damn good tea drinkers into such discussions such as: what type of person puts the milk in first? “the great milk debate”, and the notorious bagged vs. loose-leaf debate.

I am in no way a tea expert but as a human that requires double-digit cups a day to function, I believe I am as qualified as anyone to dish out some harsh words on some bad tea.

Furthermore, upon delivering this blog idea to my tea-drinking friends, all showed large amounts of support and interest and even supplied some ideas towards this endeavour. Therefore, there will be, alongside my weekly posts a bonus “damn good guest post” every so often to look out for.

I would very much like to engage with as many people from the online tea drinking community as possible, so please feel free to comment on my posts or contact me via thedamngoodteablog@gmail.com or through my other social networks @thedamngoodteablog.

It was damn good of you to check out my new blog!

The Damn Good Tea Blogger!